Wednesday 8 July 2015

Ten Guilty Pleasures

According to, guilty pleasures are defined as something that we shouldn’t like but like either way. I have many of those, and sometimes do consider myself as weird. Luckily, my friends happened to share many of my interests which is what makes us closer in our weird likings.

Despite guilty pleasures shouldn’t be liked, what makes them like this, and why should they remain guilty pleasures and not something that we simply like doing?

Let’s get to the chase. These are my top 10 guilty pleasures

1.       Eating raw coffee beans

From my previous blog on Coffee – a Luxury or a need, you can all see that I love coffee. This doesn’t stop there. It’s not the first time that I bought raw coffee beans and chewed on them as a morning or even midnight snack. Their crunchy feeling, their bitter taste – that is what I look for, and although I shouldn’t like them, I still do.

2.       Pimple popping and blackhead extraction

It’s a natural process that a human body undergoes – the production of blackheads and pimples. I find nothing more appealing and self-fulfilling then watching pimples and blackheads being popped or taking them out myself. It’s not the first time that my family asks me to remove theirs, and you would find me there to do that job.

3.       Smelling Ammonia and Phenol

Those that have taken chemistry during sometime of their lives, know that during lab sessions, the odours never stop. For me, lab sessions where the best times of the week, and I never exited a lab without smelling phenol or ammonia. They give me a rush and now that I don’t have any more lab sessions left, I actually do miss them.

4.       Visiting ‘’

Yes, you read that correctly. Whilst some flush down the toilet immediately as they defecate, others remain staring at their handy work and take a picture of their masterpiece, posting it online for us admirers to rate their work. It may sound disgusting, and it is, but there’s something about this disgust that makes me want to keep viewing this website.

5.       Parodies instead of the music video

Parodies are the most videos that I do await after the music video would have been released. It takes few plays of the parody for me to learn it, then exactly as the proper song is played, you’d find me singing the parody instead.

6.       Eating Ice

Yepps, the cold sensation and that sharp pain in my teeth is what I look for when eating ice. It doesn’t take long to crush them with my teeth to have the full effect.

7.       Drinking coffee with a straw or teaspoon

I don’t know why but drinking either tea or coffee with a teaspoon or straw makes it seem to last longer and even taste better. It’s a psychological thing, but it still feels so real.

8.       Opening cans

Whenever my mother wants to open a can or a tin or a jar of any kind, I always ask to do the honours. I enjoy watching the tin cut in a proper, nice and sleek way.

9.       Holding cold things with my bare hands

The sharp pain that goes to my elbow is what I look for. I enjoy that rush and always look for it.

10.   Watching other people eat large meals

I think the fact that watching other people eat makes me feel as if I’m eating it myself, hence I feel full without having to touch that particular food.

These are my top 10 guilty pleasures. What are yours? I would love to hear yours.

I'd love to hear from you and if you do want me to write about a particular topic, please e-mail me on

Till next entry - keep well :)

Sera :)

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